National Safe Work Month

Every October, Australia celebrates National Safe Work Month. This is to encourage employees and workers to take a moment for safety and security. It is important to reflect with your co-workers the hazards and risks in your workplace, and the things you can do to prevent harm and danger. Let’s take a peek to Australia’s month-long celebration of our enthusiastic workers’ safety and protection.

Launching of the National Safe Work Month

In 2017, there were 191 people who died at work while performing their jobs and over 100,000 people had serious injuries. The commencement of the National Safe Work Month invites every single worker to take a moment to consider workplace safety. It also provides the main points about the seminars and workshops all throughout the month. No matter what industry you are working, you have all the right to be healthy and safe. No death or injury that takes place in the workplace is acceptable.

Seminars Conducting Mental Health Awareness

In connection with the National Safe Work Month, October is intended for Mental Health Month. This year, the government encourages everyone to open up and share experiences with their family, colleagues, and coworkers if they are struggling.

Mental health and safety in the workplace

According to Safe Work Australia, there are over 7000 Australians who are compensated for work-related mental health conditions every year. Usually, these mental health conditions are associated with work-related stress, such as pressure, harassment, bullying and exposure to workplace violence. Suicide rates and mental health issues in the skilled labourer jobs in Sydney and other parts of Australia have rapidly increased. These are due to tough working conditions, and most men value anxiety and depression as weak.
They raise awareness about mental health during National Safe Work to improve the mental health of employees and workers. The seminars aim to help them determine the psychosocial hazards in the workplace and come up with necessary control measures. They highly discourage discrimination and harassment against employees who happen to have a mental illness.

Injury Prevention Workshops

In New South Wales, fall from heights is the number one cause of fatalities. To address this issue, the workshops aim to provide ways to work safely at heights. Some of them are as follows:

  • Use the appropriate working platform like boom lifts, scissor lifts, and scaffolding.
  • Ensure that the platforms are regularly maintained.
  • Provide workers scaffold stairs to safely access enviable positions.
  • Cover and mark all open voids for security.

The Labor Solutions team is with you in this National Safe Work Month. We want to help you become proactive about health and safety in the workplace. Be that as it may, your safety starts with you.