Clients or Candidates: Who Do Sydney Labour Hire Agencies Work For?

People often get the idea that labour hire agencies solely work for clients like commercial and residential developers. While the other half of the spectrum seem to believe that they really work for the candidates that they recruit, most of the confusion comes from the terminologies that have mixed up until they lost their original meaning, which is understandable given that people use these labour hire-related terms interchangeably.

Terms like labour hire agency and labour recruitment agency, which are considered synonymous, turn out to have some slight differences that have to be considered. Why does this matter to you anyway? For one, knowing the difference will allow you to know which one you need. For instance, if you are a construction worker you might want to narrow down your search for a potential employer through certain keywords. If you are a construction company, then you require a different level of help altogether.

In addition, this is also a good way to inform people who are still in the dark about this matter. This article aims to provide some clarity on the issue and to answer, once and for all, the question: who do Sydney labour hire agencies work for, the clients or the candidates?

What is a Labour Hire Agency?

The key to answering any question is to break it down into parts. This question, in particular, begs us to ask ourselves what exactly is a labour hire agency. There might be some variations in its meaning depending on which country you live on, but any Sydney labour hire agency you will find in the Australian market today would describe themselves as the specialists in providing construction employers with suitable candidates for vacant positions.

Even though the candidates will work for the projects of the construction company that sought out their services, they are actually employed by the labour hire agency. This means that the labour hire agency is responsible for the workers’ wages, superannuation contributions, etc. They will also decide which construction company they will be assigned to work for.

How is it different from a Labour Recruitment Agency?

Labour hire agency, as mentioned, is sometimes used in counjunction with labour recruitment agencies. Because of this, many people believe that the two are the same. This, however, is not the case since the two have slight differences that would make the challenge of answering our question much easier.

Labour recruitment agencies, unlike their Sydney labour hire agency counterpart, do their job by matching the candidates looking for employment with companies who require their skills and services. They do this by keeping a database of suitable candidates, matching them up with the job descriptions provided by the client, and then present the candidates to the company.

If the company selects any of the given candidate, the candidate will be hired by the company, making the latter the workers’ employer. The labour recruitment agency then gets what is equal to a finder’s fee for successfully locating a qualified candidate.

Clients or Candidates?

Now that we have established the difference between the two terms, we can now better identify who do Sydney labour hire agencies work for. Essentially, if we take into account its traditional functions and operations, then labour hire agencies work for both the client and the candidate.

Sydney Labour Hire Agencies for the Client

Labour hire agencies work hand in hand with clients who are either short on the manpower or short on time, maybe even both. These construction companies seek out the help out labour hire agencies by scouting for the best possible candidate that could do that job.

By setting up meetings with the clients, they get to pinpoint which specific set of skills they need to accomplish a certain project. This is why the maintenance of open communication between the two parties is absolutely crucial to the satisfaction of both.

Sydney Labour Hire Agencies for the Candidate

On the other hand, Sydney labour hire agencies exist to source candidates who are on the lookout for job opportunities and get them a job that would match their skill and experience. They are also the ones that hand out the payroll, superannuation contributions, and others.

So technically, they are not really working for the candidates, but they work with them. Without the workers who reach out to labour hire agencies, they would not have any pool of candidates to present to their clients in the first place. So the two essentially survive dependent on each other.

Here is a quick guide on understanding what services can a labour hire agency has to offer.

Labor Solutions: The Labour Hire Agency for You

Labor Solutions functions as both labour hire agency and labour recruitment agency. This also allows us to work with both clients and candidates to reach the best possible outcomes for all parties involved. We pride ourselves with our exceptional talent for sourcing the right talent for the deserving client.

So, whether you are a worker looking for career opportunities or a company in need of a stronger workforce, you can call on us. We got you covered. Call 02 9896 5881 to start working with us today.