4 Qualities All Construction Companies Require from Candidates

The world nowadays is more competitive than ever. Commercial and residential developers, for instance, are always on the lookout for the best people in the industry. Rightly so, since the process of recruiting the workforce needed for each project is not only grueling. When missteps are taken in this part of a construction project, then it can be severely damaging.

Hiring labourers is a risky venture, but one that is inevitable. At one point, construction companies are all going to be faced with this hurdle. This is why they make it a point to make sure that they have only the most excellent labourers working for them. Can they afford not to lose you? Do you provide more benefits than drawbacks? Are you in it for the long haul?

In times when the only constant is change, there are some unchanged fundamental requirements that construction recruitment agencies in Sydney still require from potential construction candidates.

If you are an aspiring labourer who wishes to work with the most prestigious construction firms and construction recruitment agencies in Sydney, you might want to read more. This article cites the three best qualities that all construction companies will require from labour candidates. To successfully foster a career in the industry, one must have the following qualifications:

1. Long-Term Career Goals

Any sensible construction company or construction recruitment agencies Sydney has will probably favour those who seek long-term employment than those who don’t. Employers usually will not opt for someone they think will quit in a few months or so. Just like any other company, everyone who makes up a construction team is a part of a family.

Strong loyalty is a hallmark of good work ethics. Specifically, it signifies stability. Hopping from one job to another is never a good look. So, try to avoid doing so as much as possible. As such, construction candidates with a good and lengthy employment history will be viewed upon more positively than those that stay for only a short duration.

Another reason why employers want to steer clear of the job hoppers is that hiring employees is already expensive enough, losing one will cost more. Getting people on board is an investment. One of the main goals of employers is to ensure that each investment is well worth it. So, even with a wealth of experience and knowledge in the industry, one will still be at risk of being rejected if their histories fail to make a good impression.

2. Relevant Industry Experience

Early on, we recommend being truthful in candidate screenings and interviews. Recruiters have an uncanny way of smoking the truth out of dishonest employees. Better to start off with honesty than find yourself in an awkward position further down the road.

One of the key areas you’d want to be honest about is your work experience. Which projects have you worked on? What roles did you play in those projects? A construction recruitment agency Sydney is especially keen on throwing these questions at you so be sure to answer them cohesively.

Avoid putting on residential construction in your resume if you have never actually worked on that kind of project hands-on. This means that you have actively taken part in the tasks needed to complete a project. Specialised talents are especially harder to come by and though you might be tempted to stretch your experience a bit, you might want to think again.

3. Good Work History

Reputation will either make or break one’s career. It has the power to catapult you into success or doom your chances of ever getting offers from your desired companies. With this in mind, recruiters will require a list of character references who can back up every information that you have divulged with the agency.

When listing down references on your resume or application, make sure that they are not friends or family members who have little to no clue about the industry. Doing so will definitely raise suspicions about your character and reputation that is less than ideal. Find references who have something good to say about you instead.

The best construction recruitment agencies Sydney has to this day often are equipped with the necessary skills to find out about your reputation. The world of the construction industry is big, but it is also incredibly close so recruiters have the connections to find information either through word of mouth or professional data gathering.

4. Adaptable Personality

Are you willing to attend training sessions? Are you genuinely looking to improve? Can you adapt to the team culture with little difficulty? All these questions seek to find out if a construction candidate is flexible enough to deal with the inevitable changes that happen in the workplace.

Proving yourself capable of and adapting to change will show that you are a responsible employee who is dedicated to growing with the company. Flexibility also signifies that you are able to handle situations well, whether they are bad or good.

To be able to answer this question with confidence, you have to take a moment to evaluate yourself first. Can you deal with changes? How do you react to situations that you absolutely have no control over? How did you react to certain situations in the past? Arm yourself with the confidence that you are flexible enough for unforeseeable circumstances and present yourself as such in front of the recruiters when you do so.

There are many other things that you can do to earn the favour of labour hire companies. But from our many years in the business, we found that we have always come back to searching for these basic qualities. There may only be four of them but having all this opens doors to endless career opportunities in the construction industry.

Confused about which career you would like to pursue? You may check out this article to give you an idea of the most in-demand construction jobs in Sydney!

Boost Career Opportunities with Labor Solutions!

Labor Solutions is hailed as one of the leading construction recruitment agencies Sydney has to date. As your construction partner, we only want to give you the best. Whether you are a commercial developer looking for highly qualified workers or a construction labourer hoping to jumpstart your career with excellent work opportunities, we have got you covered.

Is your resume all set? Boost your construction career with us.

Feel free to give us a call at 02 9896 5881 for enquiries and concerns.