7 Qualities of a Great Construction Worker

The construction industry is in constant demand for competent construction workers now more than ever. From left to right, we see infrastructure and development projects in every corner of Australia. Whether it be residential or commercial properties, we can see bigger and better establishments born out of these projects.

These would not be possible without construction workers that have the skills and qualities to get the job done. This is why developers are always on the lookout for talented workers. They typically collaborate with construction recruitment agencies in Australia to find these talents. If you are connected with people in construction recruitment Sydney, like Labor Solutions, then your chances of getting hired will be even higher.

If you are curious about the qualities of great construction workers or simply want to have ideas on how to improve as an individual in the labour industry, then the following article will give you insights on what construction recruitment agencies in Australia are looking for.

These qualifications for construction workers are universal—whether you are at the upper management level in the construction project or a skilled labourer, you can take note and learn something from this article. Read on.

1. Certified to Operate Construction Equipment

One of the biggest factors that can accelerate your career in the construction industry is a certification to operate construction equipment. Even though you might be doing groundwork that does not require operating a piece of construction equipment right now, if you plan to step up the ladder, then learning how to operate them is necessary. It doesn’t stop there, however, getting the proper training and certification will immediately entice any developer to scan through your resume first more than others.

Power tools and construction machinery require skilled hands to work properly. Materials like cement, glass, electrical wires, and many others are also included on the list of things you need to be extremely familiar with. If you want your application to stand out, then better get learning.

2. Physical Endurance

Being in the construction industry means you will be working for long hours in the field. Workers need to perform various tasks that require manual labour like digging, lifting, bending, climbing, and operating heavy equipment. One cannot survive all these without physical endurance and stamina. You must have a conditioned body to get all these done with little to no fuss.

3. Good Coordination and Agility

Along with physical endurance, construction recruitment Sydney is also very particular towards workers who have good hand-eye coordination and agility. Construction projects are always set with a deadline, someone who holds them back with slow work is rarely ever welcomed on the job. Be sure to be quick and agile when it comes to work without losing quality.

Construction work requires full body coordination. The worker can be sitting down, standing up, hunched over, or lying on their backs. The important thing is to have a good command of your bodily movements to maximise your work efforts.

4. Depth Perception and Good Vision

Construction work is all about precision and accuracy. Aside from being strong and agile, you also have to have good visual perception. You will be handling construction materials like blueprints and machinery equipment with complicated dials and gauges, so be extra careful when handling these. Know when it is safe to use them or not.

This will allow you to spot even the most minute mistakes in your work and others, and implement the corrections necessary. A construction mistake that goes unnoticed may cost money and even lives in the future, so having keen attention to detail is not only crucial but life-saving.

5. Adept Math and Reading Skills

You don’t have to be an expert on these subjects, but having a rudimentary knowledge on them will make your job as a construction worker easier and faster. The everyday realities of construction workers present them with information like specifications, procedures, and other things that will require them to have a quick grasp if instructions and calculations. Don’t fall behind your peers and sharpen up your mathematical and reading skills. Remember, it’s never too late to learn!

6. Trained in Safety Measures and Procedures

Construction is a hard and dangerous work. It involves climbing up nauseating heights and digging through abysmal depths, but you have to do it anyway. Such is the nature of a construction worker’s job. With these dangers, great construction workers will always make sure to observe safety measures and procedures at all times.

Attend training sessions or seminars on workplace safety particularly those that apply in construction settings. If you can get a certification, then that’s even better! Construction recruitment Sydney is especially keen on workers who have a strong grasp on the importance of safety. The important thing is to apply all those learnings accordingly. With that knowledge, you can save not only yourself, but the lives of others as well.

7. Great Interpersonal Skills

No man is an island. In the case of construction work, no man will ever get the job done alone. Construction projects are grand, laborious, and lengthy work. To be able to succeed, you need a team of well-coordinated people labouring to get it done.

This quality is highly overlooked but the truth is, you need to get along well with your coworkers, especially if you are in the construction industry. Making friends and being approachable not only makes things run quicker, but it also makes a tough job more fun and bearable. Morale is created within the group but it will not happen unless you start getting along. So ease up and be sure to make some worthwhile connections with your coworkers.

Now you have learned the top qualities construction employers are looking for a labourer, you might also want to read about the Top Highest Paying Construction Labourer Jobs in Sydney

Learn More with Labor Solutions!

Construction experience will teach you a lot about these things and along with that experience comes these skills and qualities. If you feel like there’s still room for improvement, then just keep working on it. We also offer construction training and seminars to upskill and keep you on the loop for new technology. It’s one thing to have the right skills and qualities to be a construction worker, it’s another to have the right connections to get you the construction job that’s right for you.

Want to get the best opportunities? Partner up with Labor Solutions, the agency that you can trust when it comes to construction recruitment in Sydney. Work with us, Apply now.