Guide to Become a Successful Skilled Worker under a Labour Hire Agency

Breaking into the construction industry may be difficult without the skills, experience, and most importantly, the connections. For you to have a well-established career in this path, you might need to work with a labour-hire agency that can point you to the right projects.

But that is not everything that labour-hire agencies can do for you. Construction recruitment agencies also have the resources to match your skills and experience with the job opening that their clients are trying to fill. Plus, if you have partnered with the right agency, you can enjoy the benefits of skills training and other related activities.

Where do you start?

At this point, you might be convinced of the benefits of working with a labour-hire agency. But where do you start? Out of all the agencies in Australia, which agency should you choose?

In this article, we aim to guide you on your journey to career improvement in the construction industry. That is why we have here a list of steps that any skilled worker should follow if they wish to work with a labour-hire agency. These steps will also hopefully lead you to becoming a successful skilled worker in your own right, so read on.

1. Ask Around Your Community

The first thing you should do when you wish to know more about something is to ask about it. The same thing is true when it comes to labour-hire agencies. It is even more fortunate that the construction industry in Australia has a tight-knit community – one that can lead curious workers to the projects they want just by asking.

In reality, you might face a few bumps here and there before you finally gather the information that you are looking for. The important thing is to reach out. This involves talking to a few friends and colleagues. If you know someone who already works with a construction recruitment agency, then even better!

2. Do Your Own Research

Word of mouth is not the only way you can get in touch with a highly-recommended recruitment hire agency. You can also reinforce what you already know from your friends and family with the information you can collect off the internet. The internet might hold some valuable information about your prospective agencies, so make sure to consult this info hub first before you make a call.

Doing your own research is also a form of performing your own due diligence. By researching agencies first, you can gain an insight into their process and judge for yourself if this is the kind of agency you want to work with. In the end, you come to the fore with more knowledge while protecting yourself from bogus agencies at the same time.

3. Get Connected

Some people might recommend applying for multiple agencies at the same time, but choosing a few really good ones can work wonders as well. When you have narrowed your choices down to one or two agencies, it is now high time to make contact. One of the best ways to push your career further is to take the first step, and this is among the first of many.

You can easily pull their contact from their website, which makes the second step all the more important. When you get to this point, you have to brace yourself for the next steps though, so be ready!

4. Fill Out an Application Form

Different agencies will have different recruitment processes. But generally, agencies will have you fill out an application form either online or offline. Some might skip this process and ask for your resume instead. But if you ever have to fill out an application form, do so with care.

Make sure every information you fill out is accurate and well-thought-out. Any piece of information that is hastily given may bite you in the back in the future. It might even cost you your employment. As a rule of thumb, don’t get too excited and think about what you write at all times.

5. Prepare a Good Resume

No matter how extensive your experience in the industry is, it would not matter much if you fail to mention them in your resume. Remember that a resume gives a recruiter a lasting glimpse into your work history and gives them an idea on whether you are worth taking on board or not. If creating an impressive resume is a mystery to you, here are some tips:

List Down Note-Worthy Project Involvements

If you have worked in the industry for years, you do not have to include every single project you have ever been on. Pick five to ten note-worthy projects that will catch the attention of the recruiters. Don’t forget to indicate your role in that project and the duration of the project.

Include Your Certifications, Too

One of the most important things that recruitment agencies look for among their talent pool is the mastery of skill. Nothing can guarantee your knowledge and skill in the field than certifications and accreditations. Safety certifications like the white card here in Australia is extremely important too.

Another thing you should not omit in your resume is a list of character references who can help verify all of the information you indicated in your resume. Once you have all these things in an organized and well-put resume, expect to hear some callbacks in no time.

6. Take Their Qualifying Tests

Some agencies will put you through a series of practical tests to properly assess your skills. Whether you are applying as a foreman, construction manager, or a plant operator, you have to prepare for these tests if you want to make a great impression on the recruiters.

7. Go Through Training

If you happen to be accepted by a good agency, you will soon find out that learning never stops. Good labour-hire agencies like Labor Solutions value continues learning and application. With them, you will experience upskill construction labour trainings and seminars that can push you further in your career.

8. Keep Improving

Even when trainings are not initiated by the agency that you are under, it is still highly important to seek out learning opportunities on your own. Just like the first step here, the best way to start is to reach out with the community and ask around.

Meanwhile, here are the top 4 highest paying construction labourer jobs in Sydney.

If you want to work with a labour-hire agency today, contact Labor Solutions.

Labor Solutions is one of Sydney’s pioneer labour-hire agencies. For over two decades, we have serviced countless top-tier clients with the help of talented labourers like you in the state. Join our team today! To start, you can call +02 9896 5881.