9 Questions to Ask Any Labour Recruitment Agency

Do you have job vacancies? Have you found the right people to do the job?

Finding the right people for the company has always been a challenging undertaking for most companies. In an effort to have a more streamlined recruitment system, many companies have sought out the help of recruitment agencies.

Choosing a labour recruitment agency will make or break your company. If you are one of those companies seeking for the right agency, here’s a list of the 9 most important questions that you should ask your labour recruitment agency before working with them:

1. What practices do they follow in finding candidates?

A good recruitment agency would have a steady stream of talent as their main resource. Many agencies rely on job boards and referrals to expand their pool of candidates, but a sensible agency would look to more channels to reach even more qualified people.

In this day and age, for instance, it is more common to see agencies that use social media and mobile recruiting to attract and bring more candidates on-board. They don’t only settle for local recruits but will try to reach out across state lines as well, some even go as far as international candidates with the rise of telecommunication. The more powerful the recruitment reach, the better the candidates.

If you go with agencies that are stuck in traditional, manual practices, candidates would be harder to find. Additionally, there would be no guarantee that you will be provided with the candidate that you need when you need them.

2. Which industries do your agency specialise in?

With so many professions on the planet, one would need a good recruitment agency that either caters to many or specialise in one or two industries. As a general rule, the narrower the scope of specialisation, the higher the chances that you will get great and not just good enough candidates.

Labor Solutions, for example, is a labour recruitment agency that specialises in the construction industry. You would need something similar, a recruitment agency that closely matches the industry that your company is in.

3. How do you screen and assess candidates?

Recruitment agencies will serve as your first line of defense to filter out mediocre candidates from the ones who have the skills and the potential to be better. That defense would be for nothing if they don’t even conduct interviews or any screenings at all!

It is without question that labour recruitment agencies should carefully screen every candidate especially in terms of immigration status, employment eligibility, criminal background, licensure, educational background and so on.

You would be surprised to know that many recruitment agencies for labour stop at the first phone call. Some don’t even conduct screenings at all! Make sure that you do your research and choose a reliable labour agency.

Check out how Labor Solutions Pty Ltd search and select for the right skilled construction labourers for you.

4. Which project/s are you most proud of?

It might seem like an unrelated question, and it also has the potential to break both of the parties out of the professional stupor into something more personal. When you ask the recruitment agency representative about this, it won’t only gauge how involved the members are about the agency’s partnerships, but it also reflects what the agency is all about.

They say that the best way to know a company is to observe the things they’ve done thus far. The same principle applies to a recruitment agency. Choose an agency that is built on the foundation of communication, professionalism, and competitive compensation.

Do your research! Find out about the previous projects they were involved in and assess for yourself if you would want to continue working with them.

5. How often can you meet with us?

Your labour recruitment agency should be making time to meet with you with the objective of truly understanding your needs. If they can’t even be bothered to set an appointment with you, then they can’t be bothered to get the candidates that would best fit your requirements.

Be cautious of the labour recruitment agency that tries to present you with candidates without even sitting down with you first. Practice open communication with your agency so as to avoid confusion and get the best results possible.

6. What other services can you offer aside from recruiting?

Most recruitment agencies don’t just concentrate their efforts on recruitment. If you want to maximise your experience with a labour recruitment agency, be sure to ask about the other services they might have in store.

Recruitment agencies like Labor Solutions also have expanded capabilities like administrative responsibilities, payroll management, labour skills training, and more. There are also other agencies that are able to handle these extended tasks.

7. What tools do you utilise for the business?

Same as question number 1, it is very important for an agency to actively seek out new ways to grow and improve. Nowadays, we are fortunate enough to be able to experience and harness the power of the internet and other technological advances to find the best people for the job.

By this day and age, any recruitment agency should already be switching to a fully-automated payroll and billing system. Moreover, these innovative solutions should be integrated with other aspects of the business as well.

8. What are your values?

Asking for an agency’s values is a way to check if they can articulate their own vision, mission, and values. If they can’t even spell it out for you, then they surely cannot spell it out to the candidates they are getting for you.

If they can, do you resonate with their values? Is it acceptable for you if their values are not? From our experience, the best results happen when the values of both the client and the agency are aligned. Is quality service your priority? You would want a partner who feels the same, right?

9. Can you really vouch for your workers?

Lastly, and perhaps the most important, a good labour recruitment agency must be confident in their own pool of workers. If they themselves cannot vouch for their workers, then how could you expect to have the work quality that you desire. Do not fall for false promises either, do they have qualitative and quantitative data to back up their claims?

Don’t settle for anything less. Work with Labor Solutions today!

As in any other type of partnership, you have to find out everything about the labour recruitment agency that you plan to work with. Before diving deeper into a partnership with them, ask yourself some questions: Do they share the same values as your company? What is their recruitment process like? Do they have the skills and experience to be able to fill your hiring gaps?

If these things are important to you, Labor Solutions might be the labour recruitment agency for your business. We are “your working partner”. We work day and night to provide you only the best in construction labour hire. Get in touch by sending an email to info@laborsolutions.com.au or dial 02 9896 5881 to speak to any of our staff.